Yearly Archives: 2010

Melissa, Aly, Aaron and Ava

I sure am going to miss these four when I leave… Aaron’s constant humor has kept my classroom full of laughter this school year. I could not ask for a better friend in Mel, as well!

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goodbye 3501

Today Rudy and I packed up and moved out of our very first home. When people ask me about the move my answer is always “bittersweet.” I have met and made some wonderful life long friends in the valley, and I thank them for opening their hearts to us. Here are some pics I took before walking out…

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Tripp Kiel Wilcoxson

a.k.a.- cutest nephew ever!! I snapped a few pics of Tripp before I had to leave town on Sunday. I love every minute I get to spend with him- wouldn’t you??         

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The Borak Family

Lucky for me, Colby is one of my students this year and his amazing mom comes to read to my class every Friday! We barely beat the thunderstorm and got in some cool shots. Way to go mom for getting on the log! I am going to miss this family… Enjoy your sneak peek!  

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The Thomson Clan

I was so honored to take these  photos of one of my favorite families. Mirna and I have worked together for three years and I have had the pleasure of teaching two of her kids! It was a fun photo shoot and they were willing to do anything… especially for bubbles!

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